peace begins at home

Children begin by loving their parent,
after a time they judge them, rarely if ever do they forgive them.

Sunday, August 29, 2004


hi..can't wait to grow up...

mmm...ello ello, Najwan is calling!!

do not disturb..I'm sailing to Lautan Hindi
hi!! me has grown up

See!!! I can sit upright on my OWN!! but Umi will never trust me

Visit to Paya Jaras Dalam..

yesterday Najwan and gang visited Amirul Hakim and new brother, Amirul Shami (but called Amir)...AS always, Najwan would left "something"..tgh syok chattting ngan grandma Najwan bo bo merah merah muka...apa laa..

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Saturday's Small Feast

Najwan attended a small jamuan makan at Umi's Lab....and guess what??? He met The Nabiha...younger but healthier than Najwan..
See Nabiha is looking on but Najwan not interested in boys!!!!! So Nabiha mom..called Bunda...was a better view..;-))

Hi..Me is Najwan

what u think? Am I sweet?? or Handsome one???

all about najwan

me at 3 months++ age

was first emerged into this world by 5.30 am at HUSM, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan..(so he's a KELANTANESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) on the very 'fajar menyingsing' of Monday 16th Feb, 2004.

About Me

My photo
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