I called this week the exam week, for both KAFA and primary school... thank god it is over today for primary school and a day earlier for KAFA.
after each his KAFA morning session, I would ask him how's the exam.. and he just answered that he couldnt do it, kosong jer..
why kosong? ask me again..
eisshh Umi ni tak paham2 kita, kita ni budak tak pandai!! came his answer..
erkk, oh my son, do you know your Umi is very worried to hear that kind of answer??
but sure you wouldnt know that as you are only seven years old.. you wouldnt imagine..
dush... it really hard to be a mom.
and I was kept worried until the results were brought home..
there were five subjects for KAFA
1. feqah
2. tauhid
3. akhlak
4. bahasa arab
5. jawi
and all the while I was thinking of his marks, couldnt be more than 70% ... hurmm what to do if he failed?!! I am not good in teaching kids.. I do not possess enough patience power!! huwaa help the mom please!!
but then, I was sooo relieved to have his result, out of his 'kosong jer, tak boleh jawab' he succeeded to obtain... (dont take into account the other girl name HUsna for she scored all 100%)
for subject 1 = 90 marks
for subject 2 = 93 marks
for subject 3 = 84 marks
for subject 4 = 89 marks
for subject 5 = 100 marks
I'm very proud of you son!! do your best next time to get all correct answers!
but, but..
I still have to be worrying till his other exam results come out...