peace begins at home

Children begin by loving their parent,
after a time they judge them, rarely if ever do they forgive them.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

D.J Dave - Di Desa Kasihku Tertumpah

lagu ni memang nostalgia... sedap jer kat telinga

Monday, June 13, 2011

a party to mark her 1st birthday..

happy faces of abang and ayah ngoh on a happy happy day!!!

all wearing craft hats.. abang himself prepared the hats with the generous helps of his aunts.. TQ.

we held a small feast to celebrate Nurin's 1st birthday recently. in the menu wwere laksa lemak klate, laksa penang, nasi kapit n kuah kacang, belda (courtesy of che yam - mak spupu) and of course a beautifully decorated icing cake but the taste hancuss bought from pekan Jelawat..
seen in the pic below:

d birthday girl n the mom

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