these are the latest photos of 15 months he is sure a wonder for his parent...screaming like girls (his piercing sound can make us almost deaf), giggles a lot especially after doing something that make us laugh...such as uttering his favorite words like ya ya ya..pung, bam bam, he is now speaks 'German' and we have to nod pretending that we understand what he is saying, sometime he'll come and say something in his language in our face like whispering to us..ohh and so many other wonderful things..he can walk with slipper (not sandals..mind you)
ehhmmm...lihatla bakal pengganti supermodel nie??!!..

just a little expose here...he he

champion STYLE...after indoor bowling tournament with umi..

now my teeth counts...SIX, yey!!

kena rashes kat muker la plark..kure kehenseman 0.1%..
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