peace begins at home

Children begin by loving their parent,
after a time they judge them, rarely if ever do they forgive them.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Spagetti... the malaysian style

boring with the usual rice dishes??? try this recipe, its delicious especially to those with 'local tastebud'

Daging kisar (370g) Ramly Burger (dibersihkan dan tos airnya).
5-6 biji bawamg besar (diblend).
5-6 biji buah tomato(direbus, buang kulit dan biji, dan diblend).
6 ulas bawang putih(diblend + bawang besar).
1 tin tomato puree.
1 tin cendawan butang.
½ botol sos Prego (atau yang berkaitan).
Sedikit Oregano.
Lada hitam
Cili boh (ikut pedas) 2-3 sudu besar.
Minyak masak.
2 paket Spagetti

(1)tumis bawang yang diblend hingga garing.
(2)Masukkan cili dan kacau sampai masak.
(3)masukkan daging kisar dan gaul rata hingga daging berketul/berbiji.
(4)Masukkan tomato ,tomato puree,cendawan dan lada hitam.
(5)setelah mendidih masukkan oregano dan garam.
(6)Spagetti direbus.
-sediakan air untuk merebus spaghetti.
-campur sedikit garam + minyak masak 1 sudu.
-masukkan spagetti dan masak 10 – 15 minit(hingga lembut).


source: x-ofismate.

p/s: Brand Buittoni is the easiest and fastest to cook due to its shape (efficient water absorption)

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