pic here self-taken by him.
In the morning... when he woke up, still in his bed, before getting his bath:-
Dialogue 1:
N: Umi, Najwan sayang kat papa..
U: naper??
N: sebab boy dengan boy. Umi! boy dengan boy, KAWAN, girl dengan girl, KAWAN. boy dengan girl, KAWIN.... (smiling with his dimples shown)
U: ???? (apa aku nak komen nie??)
Dialogue 2:
anytime when he was upset with his parents (means Umi most of the times.. Papa always ikut telunjuk dia)
In march '09: Kalau Umi tak dengar cakap kite nanti kite marah!!!
In end of June '09: Kalau Umi tak minta maaf nanti kite pegi jauh2 sangat... nanti Umi tak jumpa kite...
and once i hear that.... kuss semangat, my child is trying to 'threaten' me???
Dialogue 3:
Early 2009:
when my car meragam: nanti kite beli car baru untuk Umi. Umi nak warna apa?
when Umi says we don't have enough money: Nanti kite besar kite bagi Umi duit byk2...
Mid 2009:
When Umi talking about saving money and not to buy too many toys/Dora CDs/hotwheels collection: nanti kite besar kite cucuk duit banyak2... Umi nak hotwheels warna apa? (Alahai Annakku)
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